Any car rental companies within walking distance or a short taxi drive from the port on Maui?

Any car rental companies within walking distance or a short taxi drive from the port on Maui?
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Any car rental companies within walking distance or a short taxi drive from the port on Maui?

Question from Chris:

Any car rental companies within walking distance or a short taxi drive from the port on Maui?

Justin’s Answer:

Hey Chris! Yes, there’s an Enterprise on Hana Highway that’s about a 10-minute walk from the port and offers excellent customer service. Just keep in mind they do cap the number of rentals per day, so it’s best to book early. Another great option is Crusin Maui—they’ll come right to the port to pick you up, making it super convenient.

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Tags: Maui car rental, Enterprise Maui, Hana Highway car rental, walking distance car rental, Maui port car rental, book early car rental, Crusin Maui, port pick-up car rental, Maui transportation, car rental tips